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第一章 总 则

第一条 为建立健全统一指导、分级调控、分类管理的人事宏观调控体系,完善事业单位人事管理机制,规范事业单位新进人员工作行为,提高事业单位的人员素质,根据国家有关人事政策规定,结合本市实际情况,制定本办法。
第二条 本市市属事业单位(含郑东新区管委会、郑州高新技术产业开发区管委会、郑州经济技术开发区管委会所属事业单位,下同)新进人员适用本办法,参照公务员制度管理的事业单位除外。
第三条 事业单位新进人员,坚持政府宏观调控与落实用人单位自主权相结合,政策性安置与用人单位的实际需求相结合,以优化结构、提高素质、促进发展为工作出发点。
第四条 事业单位新进人员,坚持德才兼备的用人标准,贯彻公开、平等、竞争、择优的原则。
第五条 市人事部门是市属事业单位新进人员工作的行政主管部门。事业单位的上级主管部门协同市人事部门共同做好事业单位新进人员工作的规划、指导、监督和管理。
第六条 事业单位新进人员,要严格控制在编制以内。
第七条 事业单位新进人员方式主要分为公开招聘、引进人才、政策性安置等,不论以何种形式、何种方式进人,须向市人事部门提出书面进人申请,经审核同意后,使用省人事部门统一印制的机关事业单位进人审核卡,凭进人审核卡到有关部门办理相关手续。

第二章 公开招聘

第八条 事业单位新进人员除政策性安置、上级委任、引进人才等确需使用其他进人方式外,都要实行公开招聘。公开招聘采取考试、考核的方法进行。
第九条 事业单位公开招聘人员,原则上每个季度统一组织一次。每个季度的第一个月为市人事部门受理用人单位和其上级主管部门上报招聘计划的时间。
第十条 事业单位招聘人员应当面向社会,凡符合条件的各类人员均可报名应聘,不得设置歧视性条件要求。
第十一条 应聘人员必须具备下列基本条件:
第十二条 公开招聘应按下列程序进行:
第十三条 招聘计划由用人单位在上级主管部门的指导下编制,并报市人事部门核准。
第十四条 招聘计划的内容主要包括:招聘的岗位、条件、时间、人员数量及采用的招聘方式等。
第十五条 事业单位招聘人员应当公开发布招聘信息,载明用人单位情况简介、招聘岗位及人员数量、待遇、应聘条件、报名办法、招聘办法、考试考核时间、内容等事项。
第十六条 报名结束,用人单位的上级主管部门及用人单位应当在市人事部门的指导下,组织对应聘人员的资格条件进行审查,确定符合条件的准予参加考试的人员。
第十七条 考试可采取笔试、面试等多种方式。考试科目与方式根据行业、专业及岗位特点确定。考试内容应为招聘岗位所必需的专业知识、业务能力和工作技能。
第十八条 学校、医院等专业技术性较强的事业单位所需专业人员,如不宜进行笔试的,报经市人事部门同意后,可重点检测和考察应聘者的专业能力和技术水平。
第十九条 对于应聘事业单位工勤岗位的人员,可根据岗位工作需要,重点进行实际操作能力测试。
第二十条 笔试和面试由市人事部门统一组织,用人单位和其主管部门应积极协助和配合。
第二十一条 对参加考试的应聘人员,按成绩由高到低依次确定体检人员。体检由市人事部门指导,用人单位和其主管部门负责组织。
第二十二条 对通过考试和体检合格的应聘人员,用人单位要组织对其德能勤绩情况进行考核,并进行资格条件复查。
第二十三条 按照考试、考核和体检结果,经用人单位领导班子或负责人员集体研究,择优确定拟聘人员,在市人事部门规定的范围内进行公示,公示期一般为7日―15日。
第二十四条 拟聘人员报经市人事部门批准后,由用人单位法定代表人或其委托人与受聘人员签订聘用合同,确立人事关系。

第三章 引进人才

第二十五条 坚持以我为主、按需引进、突出重点、讲求实效的原则,积极引进事业单位急需的高层次、高技能、紧缺专业人才。
第二十六条 根据事业单位发展需要,市人民政府可以下达人才引进指导性计划,由市人事部门负责实施。
第二十七条 事业单位以引进人才方式进人,主要限定下列对象:
第二十八条 事业单位引进上述人才,应从专业岗位需要出发,便于发挥人才的专长和作用。对于引进距退休年龄不到五年的人才,要适度从紧把关。
第二十九条 凡属引进上述人才,可采取直接考核的办法,经市人事部门确认资格和考核合格后,简化进人程序和手续,实行绿色通道,不得人为设置障碍。

第四章 政策性安置

第三十条 所有事业单位都有接收政策性安置人员的责任和义务,都应识大体、顾大局,积极做好政策性安置人员的接收工作。
第三十一条 政策性安置主要局限以下对象:
第三十二条 接收政策性安置人员,用人单位应在规定的时间内到有关部门办理进人手续,不得无故拖延。

第五章 纪律与监督

第三十四条 事业单位招聘工作要做到信息公开、过程公开、结果公开,接受社会及有关部门的监督。对违反公开招聘纪律的应聘人员,视情节轻重取消考试或聘用资格;对违反公开招聘规定的受聘人员,一经查实,应解除聘用合同,予以清退;对违反公开招聘纪律的工作人员,视情节轻重调离招聘工作岗位或给予处分;对违反公开招聘纪律的其他相关人员,按照有关规定追究责任。
第三十五条 事业单位引进人才或接收政策性安置人员,办理工资基金入册手续后,按照国家有关事业单位实行聘用制的规定办理聘用手续。
第三十六条 事业单位新进人员实行回避制度。凡与聘用单位负责人员有夫妻关系、直系血亲关系、三代以内旁系血亲或者近姻亲关系的应聘人员,不得应聘该单位人事、财务、纪律检查岗位,以及有直接上下级领导关系的岗位。聘用单位负责人员和被聘人员在办理人员聘用事项时,涉及与本人有上述亲属关系或者其他可能影响聘用公正的,也应当回避。

第六章 附 则

第三十七条 事业单位需招聘外国国籍人员的,须按国家有关规定执行。
第三十八条 根据工作需要,并按照规定程序报经批准,市属事业单位之间的人员,可进行合理流动和统一调配使用。
第三十九条 县(市)、区人民政府可根据本办法,制定本县(市)、区所属事业单位新进人员办法,但县(市)、区人事部门核准的县(市)、区所属事业单位的招聘计划,应当在核准后7个工作日内,向市人事部门备案。
第四十条 本办法自发布之日起施行。




(1987年3月5日广西壮族自治区第六届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十五次会议通过 根据1997年12月4日广西壮族自治区第八届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十一次会议关于修改《广西壮族自治区水利工程管理条例》的决定修正 2011年11月24日广西壮族自治区第十一届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十五次会议修订)





  第一章 总 则

  第二章 工程建设

  第三章 工程运行和管理

  第四章 工程保护

  第五章 法律责任

  第六章 附则

  第一章 总则

  第一条 为了加强水利工程的管理,保障水利工程的安全与正常运行,发挥水利工程效益,根据《中华人民共和国水法》和有关法律、法规,结合本自治区实际,制定本条例。

  第二条 本自治区行政区域内的水利工程建设、运行、管理和保护,适用本条例。


  第三条 县级以上人民政府应当将水利工程建设、运行、管理和维护纳入本行政区域国民经济和社会发展规划,加大公共财政对水利工程的投入,建立以公共财政为主的投入稳定增长机制,保障水利工程的安全和正常运行。

  第四条 县级以上人民政府应当采取多种形式,鼓励和吸引社会资金参与水利建设,引导和组织农民筹资投劳兴建、管理、维护小型农村水利工程,调动农民兴修水利的积极性。

  第五条 县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门负责本行政区域内水利工程监督、管理和指导工作。



  第六条 水行政主管部门应当加强对水利工程的技术服务,公开服务电话,完善服务措施,提高服务水平。

  第二章 工程建设

  第七条 新建、续建、改建、扩建、加固水利工程应当符合流域综合规划、防洪规划、生态保护规划以及其他相关规划的要求,遵守基本建设程序和工程建设的有关规定。

  第八条 水利工程建设项目应当依法实行项目法人责任制度、招标投标制度、工程监理制度、合同管理制度、工程质量终身负责制度以及其他依法应当实行的制度。

  第九条 水利工程管理设施应当与主体工程同时建设;未按照批复建设的,不得组织工程竣工验收。

  第十条 水利工程建设项目应当按照国家和自治区有关水利工程验收的规定进行验收。未经验收或者验收不合格的,不得交付使用。

  第十一条 水利工程建设项目法人将水利工程移交给水利工程管理单位时,应当同时移交该工程权属证书和全部档案资料。

  第十二条 水利工程管理范围内的征地、拆迁、安置补偿等费用应当纳入工程建设概算。

  第十三条 水利工程建筑市场实行信用档案制度。水行政主管部门应当建立施工、监理、设备供应、招标代理等单位的信用档案,并进行动态管理。


  第三章 工程运行和管理

  第十四条 水利工程实行统一管理和分级管理相结合的原则。



  第十五条 灌区水利工程的干渠、支渠由水利工程管理单位负责管理;斗渠、农渠、毛渠由受益范围内的村民委员会、村民小组或者农民用水合作组织(用水户协会)负责管理维护,并申请和协调农业灌溉用水、向用水户收取水费以及按照合同向灌区管理单位支付水费。

  第十六条 自治区按照促进节约用水、降低农民水费支出、保障灌排工程良性运行的原则,推行农业水价综合改革,农业灌排工程运行管理费用由财政适当补助。


  第十七条 水利工程管理单位应当按照有关规定配备相应的专业技术人员。

  第十八条 公益性水利工程和准公益性水利工程的公益性部分,其管理、养护、维修以及更新改造经费由负责管理的水行政主管部门的本级人民政府按照国家有关规定纳入财政预算。


  第十九条 水利工程实行安全运行责任制度。




  第二十条 水利工程管理单位应当建立健全管理制度,并按照有关技术标准对水利工程进行安全监测管理。

  第二十一条 因防汛、抗旱、水利工程险情、维持生产生活等需要应急调度水资源的,水利工程管理单位或者水利工程所有者、经营者应当服从防汛抗旱指挥机构的统一调度。

  第二十二条 水行政主管部门、水利工程管理单位、水利工程所有者、水利工程经营者应当定期对水利工程进行安全检查,及时发现、排除安全隐患,并制定水利工程安全管理应急预案。



  第二十三条 与水库水面相连的山坡林木按照水源林管护,并报林业行政主管部门备案。尚未种植水源林的,由水利工程管理单位与山坡权属人共同协商,作出规划,限期造林。

  第二十四条 利用水利工程管理范围内的水土资源发展多种经营的,应当确保水利工程安全,保持水利工程原有功能、生态环境和水质符合国家标准。确需改变水利工程原有功能的,应当经有管理权限的水行政主管部门批准,报上一级人民政府水行政主管部门备案。

  第二十五条 利用水利工程有偿供水的,管理单位应当按照自治区规定的收费标准收取水费。

  第四章 工程保护

  第二十六条 水利工程的管理范围和保护范围,由县级以上人民政府按照下列规定划定:






  第二十七条 水利工程管理范围内的土地,由县级以上人民政府确权发证,设立界桩,任何单位和个人不得侵占。

  第二十八条 禁止在水利工程管理范围内从事下列活动:








  第二十九条 水利工程保护范围内的林木需要更新性采伐的,应当经水行政主管部门同意后,报林业行政主管部门批准。未经批准,任何单位和个人不得采伐。

  第三十条 因建设需要占用、拆除水利工程或者影响水利工程正常运行的,建设单位应当事先征得水行政主管部门同意,并在规定期限内采取相应的补救措施;造成损失的,依法给予补偿。

  第三十一条 无机动车通行功能的堤顶、坝顶、水闸工作桥及渠岸,水行政主管部门应当设置禁行标志,除执行防汛抢险、水利工程管理和维护任务的车辆外,其他机动车辆禁止通行。


  第五章 法律责任

  第三十二条 水行政主管部门、水利工程管理单位及其工作人员违反本条例规定,有下列情形之一的,由监察机关或者上级主管部门责令改正;情节严重的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分:







  第三十三条 违反本条例第二十七条规定,移动和破坏水利工程界桩的,由水行政主管部门责令停止违法行为,采取补救措施或者赔偿损失。

  第三十四条 违反本条例第二十八条规定,有下列行为之一的,由水行政主管部门责令停止违法行为,采取补救措施,处以罚款:






  第三十五条 违反本条例第三十一条第一款规定,机动车辆在无机动车通行功能的堤顶、坝顶、水闸工作桥及渠岸上通行的,由水行政主管部门责令停止违法行为,处五百元以上三千元以下的罚款;造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任。

  第六章 附则

  第三十六条 本条例自2012年1月1日起施行。





第一章 总则
第一条 为了加强海上交通安全管理,及时调查处理海上交通事故,根据《中华人民共和国海上交通安全法》的有关规定,制定本条例。
第二条 中华人民共和国港务监督机构是本条例的实施机关。
第三条 本条例适用于船舶、设施在中华人民共和国沿海水域内发生的海上交通事故。
第四条 本条例所称海上交通事故是指船舶、设施发生的下列事故:

第二章 报告
第五条 船舶、设施发生海上交通事故,必须立即用甚高频电话、无线电报或其他有效手段向就近港口的港务监督报告。报告的内容应当包括:船舶或设施的名称、呼号、国籍、起迄港,船舶或设施的所有人或经营人名称,事故发生的时间、地点、海况以及船舶、设施的损害程度、救助要求等。
第六条 船舶、设施发生海上交通事故,除应按第五条规定立即提出扼要报告外,还必须按下列规定向港务监督提交《海上交通事故报告书》和必要的文书资料:
第七条 《海上交通事故报告书》应当如实写明下列情况:
第八条 海上交通事故报告必须真实,不得隐瞒或捏造。
第九条 因海上交通事故致使船舶、设施发生损害,船长、设施负责人应申请中国当地或船舶第一到达港地的检验部门进行检验或鉴定,并应将检验报告副本送交港务监督备案。

第三章 调查
第十条 在港区水域内发生的海上交通事故,由港区地的港务监督进行调查。
第十一条 港务监督在接到事故报告后,应及时进行调查。调查应客观、全面,不受事故当事人提供材料的限制。根据调查工作的需要,港务监督有权:
第十二条 被调查人必须接受调查,如实陈述事故的有关情节,并提供真实的文书资料。
第十三条 港务监督因调查海上交通事故的需要,可以令当事船舶驶抵指定地点接受调查。当事船舶在不危及自身安全的情况下,未经港务监督同意,不得离开指定地点。
第十四条 港务监督的海上交通事故调查材料,公安机关、国家安全机关、监察机关、检察机关、审判机关和海事仲裁委员会及法律规定的其他机关和人员因办案需要可以查阅、摘录或复制,审判机关确因开庭需要可以借用。

第四章 处理
第十五条 港务监督应当根据对海上交通事故的调查,作出《海上交通事故调查报告书》,查明事故发生的原因,判明当事人的责任;构成重大事故的,通报当地检察机关。
第十六条 《海上交通事故调查报告书》应包括以下内容:
第十七条 对海上交通事故的发生负有责任的人员,港务监督可以根据其责任的性质和程度依法给予下列处罚:
第十八条 对海上交通事故的发生负有责任的人员及船舶、设施的所有人或经营人,需要追究其行政责任的,由港务监督提交其主管机关或行政监察机关处理;构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。
第十九条 根据海上交通事故发生的原因,港务监督可责令有关船舶、设施的所有人、经营人限期加强对所属船舶、设施的安全管理。对拒不加强安全管理或在期限内达不到安全要求的,港务监督有权责令其停航、改航、停止作业,并可采取其他必要的强制性处置措施。

第五章 调解
第二十条 对船舶、设施发生海上交通事故引进的民事侵权赔偿纠纷,当事人可以申请港务监督调解。
第二十一条 前条民事纠纷,凡已向海事法院起诉或申请海事仲裁机构仲裁的,当事人不得再申请港务监督调解。
第二十二条 调解由当事人各方在事故发生之日起三十日内向负责该事故调查的港务监督提交书面申请。港务监督要求提供担保的,当事人应附经济赔偿担保证明文件。
第二十三条 经调解达成协议的,港务监督应制作调解书。调解书应当写明当事人的姓名或名称、住所、法定代表人或代理人的姓名及职务、纠纷的主要事实、当事人的责任、协议的内容、调解费的承担、调解协议履行的期限。调解书由当事人各方共同签字,并经港务监督盖印确认。
第二十四条 调解达成协议的,当事人各方应当自动履行。达成协议后当事人翻悔的或逾期不履行协议的,视为调解不成。
第二十五条 凡向港务监督申请调解的民事纠纷,当事人中途不愿调解的,应当向港务监督递交撤销调解的书面申请,并通知对方当事人。
第二十六条 港务监督自收到调解申请书之日起三个月内未能使当事人各方达成调解协议的,可以宣布调解不成。
第二十七条 不愿意调解或调解不成的,当事人可以向海事法院起诉或申请海事仲裁机构仲裁。
第二十八条 凡申请港务监督调解的,应向港务监督缴纳调解费。调解的收费标准,由交通部会同国家物价局、财政部制定。

第六章 罚则
第二十九条 违反本条例规定,有下列行为之一的,港务监督可视情节对有关当事人(自然人)处以警告或者二百元以下罚款;对船舶所有人、经营人处以警告或者五千元以下罚款:
第三十条 对违反本条例规定,玩忽职守、滥用职权、营私舞弊、索贿受贿的港务监督人员,由行政监察机关或其所在单位给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。
第三十一条 当事人对港务监督依据本条例给予的处罚不服的,可以依法向人民法院提起行政诉讼。

第七章 特别规定
第三十二条 中国籍船舶在中华人民共和国沿海水域以外发生的海上交通事故,其所有人或经营人应当向船籍港的港务监督报告,并于事故发生之日起六十日内提交《海上交通事故报告书》。如果事故在国外诉讼、仲裁或调解,船舶所有人或经营人应在诉讼、仲裁或调解结束后六十日内将判决书、裁决书或调解书的副本或影印件报船籍港的港务监督备案。
第三十三条 派往外国籍船舶任职的持有中华人民共和国船员职务证书的中国籍船员对海上交通事故的发生负有责任的,其派出单位应当在事故发生之日起六十日内向签发该职务证书的港务监督提交《海上交通事故报告书》。

第八章 附则
第三十四条 对违反海上交通安全管理法规进行违章操作,虽未造成直接的交通事故,但构成重大潜在事故隐患的,港务监督可以依据本条例进行调查和处罚。
第三十五条 因海上交通事故产生的海洋环境污染,按照我国海洋环境保护的有关法律、法规处理。
第三十六条 本条例由交通部负责解释。
第三十七条 本条例自发布之日起施行。


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Approved by the State Council on January 11, 1990, promulgated by
Decree No. 14 of the Ministry of Communications on March 3, 1990)

Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
These Regulations are formulated according to the relevant provisions of
the Maritime Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China in order
to strengthen the control of maritime traffic safety and promptly
investigate and handle maritime traffic accidents.
Article 2
The harbour superintendency establishments of the People's Republic of
China shall be responsible for implementing these Regulations.
Article 3
These Regulations shall apply to the maritime traffic accidents happening
to the vessels and installations in the coastal waters of the People's
Republic of China. If there exist special provisions in state laws and
administrative regulations for the investigation and handling of the
maritime traffic accidents happening in the fishing port waters or of the
maritime traffic accidents happening between fishing vessels or between
military vessels in the coastal waters, these special provisions shall
Article 4
The maritime traffic accidents referred to in these Regulations mean the
following accidents happening to vessels and installations:
(1) collision, strike or damage by waves;
(2) hitting hidden rocks or running aground;
(3) fire or explosion;
(4) sinking;
(5) damage or loss of machinery parts or important tools during a voyage
which affects the vessel's seaworthiness;
(6) other maritime traffic accidents which cause losses in property and
human lives.

Chapter II Report
Article 5
The persons in charge of the vessels and installations which are involved
in maritime traffic accidents must report immediately to the harbour
superintendency administration at the nearest harbour by a high-frequency
telephone, radiotelegram or other effective means. The content of the
reports shall include: name of the vessel or installation, call sign,
nationality, port of departure and port of arrival, owners or managers of
the vessel or installation, when and where the accident happened and the
attending circumstances on the sea, the extent of damage of the vessel or
installation, request for salvage, etc.
Article 6
The persons in charge of the vessels and installations which are involved
in maritime traffic accidents must, in addition to making brief reports
immediately in accordance with the provisions in Article 5, submit the
Report Concerning Maritime Traffic Accidents and other necessary documents
and materials according to the following stipulations to the harbour
superintendency administration:
(1) If maritime traffic accidents happen to vessels or installations
within the waters of the harbour areas, it is necessary to submit a report
and other materials to the local harbour superintendency administration
within 24 hours after the accidents.
(2) If maritime traffic accidents happen to vessels or installations in
the coastal waters beyond the waters of harbour areas, it is necessary to
submit a report and other materials within 48 hours after the vessels
arrive at the first harbour in the People's Republic of China to the
harbour superintendency administration;
in the case of installations, it is necessary to report by telegram, the
content of which shall cover all the items required in the Report
Concerning Maritime Traffic Accidents to the harbour superintendent at the
nearest harbour within 48 hours after the accidents.
(3) If a maritime traffic accident happens in the course of pilotage, the
pilot shall submit the Report Concerning Maritime Traffic Accidents to the
local harbour superintendency administration within 24 hours after his
return to the harbour. If, because of special circumstances, the Report
Concerning Maritime Traffic Accidents cannot be submitted within the time
limit set in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article, the time limit may be
appropriately extended after permission is obtained from the harbour
superintendency administration.
Article 7
The following information shall be truthfully provided in the Report
Concerning Maritime Traffic Accidents:
(1) basic conditions of the vessel or installation and the data concerning
its main functions;
(2) name and address of the owner or manager of the vessel or
(3) when and where the accident happened;
(4) the climatic conditions and the conditions on the sea when the
accident happened;
(5) a detailed description of the course of the accident (for a collision,
a sketch map illustrating the face-to-face movements shall be attached);
(6) degree of the damage (A sketch showing the damaged parts of the vessel
or installation shall be attached. If it is difficult to make a thorough
investigation within the set time limit, a report shall be submitted at a
later date after the examination.)
(7) estimated location of sinking in case where the vessel or installation
(8) other information related to the accident.
Article 8
A report concerning maritime traffic accidents must be truthful and there
must not be any concealment or falsification.
Article 9
If a vessel or an installation is damaged due to a maritime traffic
accident, the captain of the vessel or the person in charge of the
installation shall apply to China's local inspection department or the
inspection department at the vessel's first port of arrival in China for
inspection or appraisement and send a copy of the inspection report to the
harbour superintendency administration for the record.
The harbour superintendency administration may entrust the inspection and
appraisement mentioned in the preceding paragraph to relevant units or
departments and the expenses shall be borne by the owner or manager of the
vessel or installation. If the accident happening to a vessel or
installation involved fire or explosion, the captain or the person in
charge of the installation must apply to a fire fighting brigade in the
public security organ for an appraisement and send a copy of the
appraisement report to the harbour superintendency administration for the

Chapter III Investigation
Article 10
Harbour superintendency administration shall be responsible for the
investigation of the maritime traffic accidents which happen in the waters
of their respective harbour areas. The maritime traffic accidents which
happen outside the waters of harbour areas shall be investigated by the
harbour superintendency administration of the nearest harbour or that of
the vessel's first port of arrival in the People's Republic of China. The
Harbour Superintendency Administration Bureau of the People's Republic of
China may designate a harbour superintendency administration to carry out
the investigation, if the Bureau deems it necessary.
When the harbour superintendency administration concerned deems it
necessary, he may request relevant departments and social organizations to
take part in the investigation of the accidents.
Article 11
Upon receiving accident reports, the harbour superintendency
administration shall promptly carry out investigation. Investigation shall
be carried out in an objective and all-round manner and must not be
restricted by the information provided by the parties involved in the
accidents. If the investigation warrants it, the harbour superintendency
administration has the right to:
(1) question the persons concerned;
(2) demand written material and testimonial form the persons under
(3) demand the parties involved to provide logbooks, engine room logs,
wheel-bell records, radio operation logs, course records, charts, data of
the vessel, functions of the navigation equipment and instruments and
other necessary original papers and materials;
(4) examine certificates of the vessels, installations and the relevant
equipment and certificates of the personnel and verify seaworthiness of
the vessels and technical conditions of the installations before the
(5) examine the damage to the vessels, installations and goods and
ascertain casualties of personnel;
(6) survey the scene of the accident and collect relevant material
evidence. During the investigation, the harbour superintendency
administration may use recording, photographing and video equipment and
may resort to other means of investigation permitted by law.
Article 12
The persons being investigated must subject themselves to the
investigation, honestly state the relevant circumstances of the accident
and provide authentic papers and materials.
In conducting investigations, the personnel of harbour superintendency
administration shall produce their certificates to the persons being
Article 13
If the investigation of a maritime traffic accident so requires, the
harbour superintendency administration may order the vessel(s) involved to
sail to the spot for investigation. Except when its (their) own safety is
in danger, the vessel(s) involved must not leave the said spot without the
permission of the harbour superintendency administration.
Article 14
The organs respectively in charge of public security, state security,
supervision, procuratorial work, and judicial work, as well as maritime
arbitration committees and other organs and personnel designated under the
law may consult, make extracts of or duplicate the findings concerning
maritime traffic accidents prepared by the harbour superintendency
administration for the purpose of handling cases. Judicial organs may
borrow these findings if they are really needed in the trials.

Chapter IV Handling of Accidents
Article 15
The harbour superintendency administrations shall, according to the
investigations of maritime traffic accidents, work out the Report on
Findings Concerning Maritime Traffic Accidents, in which causes of the
accidents shall be ascertained and the responsibility of the persons
concerned be determined. A serious accident shall be reported to the local
procuratorial organ.
Article 16
The Report on Findings Concerning the Maritime Traffic Accident shall
include the following items:
(1) basic conditions of the vessels or installations and the main data;
(2) names and addresses of the owners or managers of the vessels or
(3) when and where the accident happened, the course of the accident,
weather and sea conditions at the time, seriousness of the damage;
(4) causes of the accident and evidence thereof;
(5) liabilities of the parties involved and evidence thereof;
(6) other relevant information.
Article 17
The harbour superintendency administrations may, according to the nature
and seriousness of their liabilities, mete out the following penalties
according to law to the persons who are held responsible for the maritime
traffic accidents:
(1) warnings, fines, suspension or revocation of their job certificates
may be resorted to when the crew, pilots or personnel working on the
installations are of Chinese nationality;
(2) warnings and fines may be imposed on the crew or the personnel working
on the installations who are of foreign nationalities or their faults may
be reported to the competent organs of their respective countries.
Article 18
If it is necessary to pursue the administrative responsibility of the
persons involved, owners or managers of the vessels or installations who
are held responsible for the maritime traffic accidents, the harbour
superintendency administrations shall submit the cases to their competent
organs or the organs in charge of administrative supervision. With
respect to persons whose action constitutes a crime, the judicial
authorities shall, in accordance with the law, investigate their criminal
Article 19
The harbour superintendency administration may, in the light of the causes
of the maritime traffic accidents, order the owners and managers of the
vessels involved or installations involved to strengthen safety control
over their vessels or installations within a time limit. In case of
refusal to strengthen safety administration or failure to meet the safety
requirements within the said time limit, the harbour superintendency has
the right to order the vessels or installations to suspend navigation,
change courses or suspend operation and may adopt other necessary
compulsory measures.

Chapter V Mediation
Article 20
If a maritime traffic accident happening to vessels or installations gives
rise to a civil dispute over tort liability, the parties may apply to the
harbour superintendency administration for mediation.
Mediations must be carried out on the principles of voluntariness and
impartiality and no coercion shall be allowed.
Article 21
If a suit has been brought before a maritime court or an application sent
to a maritime arbitration organ, the parties to the civil disputes
mentioned in the preceding article shall not apply to the harbour
superintendency administration for mediation.
Article 22
Written applications for mediations shall be submitted, by the parties
within 30 days after the accident happened, to the harbour superintendency
administration responsible for the investigation of the accident. If
guarantees are demanded by the harbour superintendency administration the
parties shall provide papers of economic compensation guarantee.
Article 23
If an agreement is reached after mediation, the harbour superintendency
administration shall prepare a mediation document. The mediation document
shall include the following items: names and addresses of the parties,
names and positions of the legal representatives, main points of the
disputes, liabilities of the parties, content of the agreement, payment of
the mediation fees and the time limit for the execution of the mediation
agreement. The parties concerned shall jointly sign the mediation document
and the superintendency administration shall confirm it by affixing its
seal thereon. One copy of the mediation document shall be held by each
party concerned and one copy kept by the harbour superintendency
Article 24
All the parties concerned shall execute the agreement of mediation of
their own accord. If the parties renege or fail to execute the agreements
within the time limit after the agreement is reached, the mediation shall
be regarded as failing.
Article 25
If a party to a civil dispute who has applied to the harbour
superintendency administration for mediation wants to withdraw from it,
the party shall send a written application to the harbour superintendency
administration for mediation cancellation and notify the other party to
the dispute at the same time.
Article 26
If the harbour superintendency administration fails to make the parties
reach an agreement of mediation within 3 months as of the date of receipt
of the application for mediation, the mediation may be announced as
Article 27
If the parties do not want mediation or the mediation has failed, they may
bring a suit in a maritime court or apply to a maritime arbitration organ
for arbitration.
Article 28
Anyone who has applied to the harbour superintendency administration for
mediation shall pay mediation fees. Standards for mediation charges shall
be worked out by the Ministry of Communications in conjunction with the
State Administration for Commodity Prices and the Ministry of Finance.
If an agreement is reached through mediation, the mediation charge shall
be shared according to the seriousness of the parties' faults or the
agreed proportions. If mediation has failed, the expenses shall be shared
out equally among the parties.

Chapter VI Penalties
Article 29
The harbour superintendency administration may, depending on the
circumstances, warn or impose a fine of not more than 200 yuan on the
persons concerned (natural person), or impose a warning or a fine of not
more than 5,000 yuan on the owners or managers of the vessels, if they
violate these Regulations in one of the following manners:
(1) failing to report the accident to the harbour superintendency
administration or submit the Report Concerning Maritime Traffic Accident
or duplicate copies of the documents of court verdict, arbitration award
or mediation document as stipulated in Article 32 of these Regulations
within the time limit;
(2) failing to sail to the spot designated by the harbour superintendency
administration or leaving the designated spot without the permission of
the harbour superintendency administration when nothing is endangering the
(3) affecting the progress of the investigations or causing losses to the
departments concerned because the content of the accident report or the
Report Concerning Maritime Traffic Accident does not meet the stipulated
requirements or it is not truthful;
(4) affecting the investigation of the accident by violating the
provisions of Article 9;
(5) refusing to be investigated or unjustifiably obstructing and
interfering with the investigation by the harbour superintendency
(6) intentionally concealing facts or providing false testimonial during
investigation. With respect to persons whose acts have constituted a
crime as specified in paragraphs (5) and (6) of this Article, the judicial
organs shall investigate their criminal responsibility according to law.
Article 30
Administrative sanctions shall be given by administrative supervision
organs or relevant units to those persons working in harbour
superintendency administrations who violate the provisions of these
Regulation, neglect their duties, abuse their powers, engage in
malpractices for selfish ends and ask for and accept bribes. If their acts
constitute crimes, their criminal responsibilities shall be investigated
by judicial organs according to law.
Article 31
If the parties concerned do not agree with the penalties imposed on them
by the harbour superintendency administration according to the provisions
of these Regulations, they may bring a suit in a people's court according
to law.

Chapter VII Special Provisions
Article 32
If maritime traffic accidents happen to vessels of Chinese nationality
outside the coastal waters of the People's Republic of China, their owners
or managers shall report to the harbour superintendency administration
where the vessels have registered and shall submit the Report Concerning
Maritime Traffic Accident within 60 days after the accidents happened. If
lawsuits, arbitrations or mediations concerning the accidents take place
abroad, the owners or managers shall submit copies or photocopies of the
court verdicts, awards or mediation documents to the harbour
superintendency of the harbour where the vessels have registered for the
record within 60 days after the termination of the lawsuits, arbitration
or mediation.
Article 33
If crew members of Chinese nationality holding job qualification
certificates of the People's Republic of China are held responsible for
maritime traffic accidents while they are working on board foreign
vessels, their respective units in China shall submit the Report
Concerning Maritime Traffic Accidents to the harbour superintendency
administration issuing the job qualification certificates within 60 days
after the accidents happened.
The maritime traffic accidents mentioned in the first paragraph of this
Article and in Article 32 shall be investigated and dealt with in
accordance with the relevant provisions of these Regulations.

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
Article 34
With respect to those operations which have violated the regulations
concerning maritime traffic safety and have constituted latent threats of
potential major accidents, although direct traffic accidents have not been
caused, the harbour superintendency administration may carry out
investigation and mete out penalties according to the provisions of these
Article 35
The maritime traffic accidents which have caused marine environmental
pollution shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant laws and
regulations of China concerning marine environmental protection.
Article 36
These Regulations shall be interpreted by the Ministry of Communications.
Article 37
These Regulations shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.